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Well known classified scams:
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Celebrations of Life 

 George J. Daniels May   George J. Daniels May the joy you spread continue to grace us all, now and always.
 Jack Goggen To a   Jack Goggen To a wonderful man who lived life to the fullest. Your thirst for adventure has touched us all.
 Richard Charles Cowan, Jr.   Richard Charles Cowan, Jr. When: Sunday, June 25, 2023, 1:00-3:00    Where: Village Greens Community Center
 Ruth Rebecca Simone Though   Ruth Rebecca Simone Though the years seem to have flown by, our memories are fresh in the minds and hearts of all you've touched. Love you so much.
 Walter "Frog" Grey Born   Walter "Frog" Grey Born March 13th, 1943 - March 10th, 2023.  Celebration of Life Saturday May 27th, at South Kalispell Fire and Rescue 1pm-3pm. Address is 1255 Willow Glen Dr Kalispell, MT 59901. Potluck style bring a dish if you would like. " Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure."